How Are Hearing Impaired Children Supported in the Classroom
Hearing loss can be classified as either pre-lingual deafness or post-lingual deafness. Pre-lingually deaf people have lost their hearing before learning to communicate. People who are post-lingually deaf develop hearing loss after learning to speak. The impact of hearing loss and the degree of deafness will differ depending on the group.
Auslan is a sign language used by certain people who are prelingually deaf. Many children were born with cochlear implants. Some people rely on spoken communication. Many people use a combination of spoken and sign language to communicate. Some people develop normally in terms of language and literacy. Some people may struggle with literacy. When determining the types of appropriate changes, all of these considerations must be taken into account.
Teaching Techniques
There are a variety of inclusive teaching practices that can help all students learn, but there are a few that are particularly beneficial when teaching a group of students who have hearing impairments:
- Encourage students with hearing impairments to sit at the front of the lecture hall, where their line of view will be unobstructed. This is especially critical if the student is using a hearing aid with a limited range, employing an interpreter, lip-reading, depending on visual clues, or utilizing an interpreter. Be aware that some pupils may not agree with this recommendation or may have other options. Respect their decision.
- When you’re facing the chalkboard, don’t say anything. Mustaches, beards, hands, books, or microphones in front of your face can all make lip-reading more difficult. Lip-readers are unable to function in dimly lit environments. It’s possible that you’ll need to change the lighting in your classroom. If a sign interpreter is used, follow the working with a sign interpreter guidelines.
- Allow students to record lectures or, better yet, make copies of your lecture notes available to them. Students who have trouble obtaining knowledge in traditional methods will benefit from the flexible distribution of teaching materials via electronic media. New technology, particularly the internet, helps in learning for hearing impaired children.
- Hearing loss has a significant impact on language abilities, depending on the age of commencement. Students with hearing loss who were diagnosed early in infancy may struggle with reading. In some situations, offering reading lists to students with hearing loss well before the start of a course might be advantageous. When appropriate, adjust these reading lists and provide guidance to crucial literature.
When different types of assessments are required, always think about them. Students with disabilities are not expected to have their standards lowered, but they must be given a meaningful opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. Students with hearing loss, particularly those who have speech problems, may prefer that another student give their tutorial papers.