All about Real Estate courses in Nevada
The real estate market is an exciting field. When buying and selling a home, there are many things to consider, which makes this work area best suited for individuals who have solid attention to detail. These same traits that make some people perfect for the career also help them succeed in various industries, including accounting, finance, and business management. Pursing a degree in these fields can further prepare students for their careers in real estate, making it an even more lucrative area to work in. What follows is a look at the types of courses you will encounter while pursuing your Nevada career as a real estate broker or agent at a real estate school in Nevada.
Nevada Real Estate Courses: The Basics
Your education doesn’t stop once you’ve finished high school. The education you receive as a real estate professional is critical to your success in this industry. It can also help you throughout the rest of your life, as there are many transferable skills that you will learn while obtaining your degree. There are some courses that all students must take before they can become licensed brokers or agents, which include the following:
Real Estate Principles – This course consists of 60 hours of class time and 30 hours of fieldwork. You will learn about legal issues surrounding real estate, how to list and sell different types of homes, finance properties, appraisals of properties, and agency relationships with clients. Nevada Broker Pre-licensing Course – As its name suggests, the purpose of this course is to help prepare students for the broker’s exam.
It also consists of 60 hours of class time and 30 hours of fieldwork so that you can expect a similar workload. Various Laws & Regulations – This course will cover the laws and regulations about Nevada’s real estate. You’ll learn about fair housing practices and ethics, land use planning and various other topics that will be covered on your state-mandated test. Appraisal of Real Estate – Most states require real estate agents and brokers to take this course before becoming licensed with their respective associations. Students are taught how to analyze property values based on current market conditions while understanding comparable sales data.
All businesses face legal issues at one point, and real estate agents and brokers are no different. You’ll receive a basic understanding of the law and how it applies to the industry so you can spot any potential liabilities before they become problems for your clients. Economics – Described as “the study of production, distribution and consumption,” this course is vital for real estate professionals because it teaches students about supply and demand, directly related to property values.